- Writing About Music Is Like Dancing About Architecture ~ Laurie Anderson
- In sixth grade I had a band called The Blueberry Waterfall. I had borrowed a guy's Fender Jaguar and Boss Tone Fuzz, which you plugged straight into a Blackface Twin. It was a little power trio - we were actually pretty good for our age. ~ Steve Lukather
- This one's for the people who can't read ~ Liam Gallagher
- There is no dark side of the moon really Matter of fact it´ s all dark ~ Pink Floyd
- Coldplay are just four friends trying to make great music ~ Will Champion
- Marilyn Manson has a woman´s name and wears makeup. How original. ~ Alice Cooper
- I told people I was a drummer before I even had a set, I was a mental drummer. ~ Keith Moon
- He's a poet, he's a philosopher, and last night, I think I saw him walking on water ~ Mick Jagger Mick Jagger introducing Bono when he received his MTV Free Your Mind award, Nov. 1999...
- ... Just as Jesus created wine from water, we humans are capable on transmuting emotion into music.. ~ Carlos Santana
- I want to make at least 4 amazing records ~ µ-Zic
- Don't play what's there, play what's not there. ~ Miles Davis
- Everybody can sing in Liverpool! I know this for a fact! ~ Gary Daly during a live performance of "Christian"...
- To those who understand, I extend my hand. To the doubtful I demand, Take me as I am ~ Dream Theater
- Chaos is a friend of mine. ~ Bob Dylan
- We thought that if we lasted for two to three years that would be fantastic ~ Ringo Starr
Lean LeftLean Left is gevonden met deze leden
★ Terrie Hessels ★ Ken Vandermark ★ Paal Nilssen-Love ★ Andy Moor ★ Ontbreken er leden? Voeg ze toe! Hoe ziet het netwerk van Lean Left eruit? De groene blokjes zijn groepsleden. De rode blokjes zijn personen die via relaties of familiebanden gerelateerd zijn. De blauwe blokjes zijn de bands of groepen waar de gelinkte personen deel van uitmaken. De gele blokjes zijn schuilnamen van de personen.
★ Dit profiel werd 203× bekeken! |
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De tussenstand in onze Eigenzinnige 30 van
week 11/2025. Muziek van 1950 tot nu!2 3 8 9 11 SCHMUTZ - Love Games 10 12 15 16 MARBLES - Only One Woman 24 17 18 BRAD - The Day Brings 25 22 PAUL MCCARTNEY - Young Boy 21 24 25 26 29 THE KINKS - Come Dancing 20 ![]() ![]() |