- Celebrity and secrets don´t go together. The bastards will get you in the end ~ George Michael
- If I were in the Beatles, I'd be a good George Harrison. ~ Noel Gallagher
- Trance expresses a universal feeling, a feeling of warmth and freedom. That’s why people lift their hands while dancing. For some reason the Netherlands have some artists who express that feeling, but actually it’s the Belgians who deserve all the credit. You guys smoothed the path for us years ago. ~ Armin Van Buuren
- Music is your own experience, your own thoughts, your wisdom. If you don't live it, it won't come out of your horn. They teach you there's a boundary line to music. But, man, there's no boundary line to art. ~ Charlie Parker
- I left school at 17 and was a star by the time I was 18... in certain parts of the world anyway ~ George Michael
- She Brought Colors To My Life ~ George Strait
- The Music Was New Black Polished Chrome And Came Over The Summer Like Liquid Night ~ Jim Morrison
- What the fuck do you think you´ re doing? ~ Madonna
- Less is more. ~ Rue Rapide
- I Suppose Ultimately I´m Interested In Music I´m A Musician I´m Not A Gunslinger That´s The Difference Between What I Do And What A Lot Of Guitar Heroes Do ~ The Edge
- I guess I am a feminist of sorts. I love women so much, and I celebrate the feminine in me because I appreciate it so much. ~ Steven Tyler
- I got nasty habits; I take tea at three ~ Mick Jagger
- Vrouwen moeten luisteren en doen wat ik zeg. Zij moeten vooral niet zeuren ~ Kanye West
- We're not arrogant, we just think we're the best band in the world ~ Noel Gallagher
- There are more love songs than anything else. If songs could make you do something we'd all love one another. ~ Frank Zappa
Bernie MarecosDagfeiten over Bernie Marecos
★ 17/03/1983 geboortedatum Bernie Marecos ☆ Is Bernie Marecos een band en werden hiervan nog geen leden ingegeven? Voeg deze toe! ☆ Was Bernie Marecos is of was lid van een band die nog niet werd toegevoegd? Voeg deze toe!
Hoe ziet het netwerk van Bernie Marecos eruit? De groene blokjes zijn groepsleden. De rode blokjes zijn personen die via relaties of familiebanden gerelateerd zijn. De blauwe blokjes zijn de bands of groepen waar de gelinkte personen deel van uitmaken. De gele blokjes zijn schuilnamen van de personen.
★ Dit profiel werd 170× bekeken! |
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