- I've always felt that blues, rock 'n' roll and country are just about a beat apart. ~ Waylon Jennings
- Yeah, Wacko Jacko, Where Did That Come From? Some English Tabloid I Have A Heart And I Have Feelings I Feel That When You Do That To Me It´s Not Nice ~ Michael Jackson
- I Hate Music, Especially When It´s Played ~ Jimmy Durante
- Everybody can sing in Liverpool! I know this for a fact! ~ Gary Daly during a live performance of "Christian"...
- Music is your own experience, your own thoughts, your wisdom. If you don't live it, it won't come out of your horn. They teach you there's a boundary line to music. But, man, there's no boundary line to art. ~ Charlie Parker
- He's a poet, he's a philosopher, and last night, I think I saw him walking on water ~ Mick Jagger Mick Jagger introducing Bono when he received his MTV Free Your Mind award, Nov. 1999...
- They're Coming To A Rock And Roll Concert And Watching Television That Says It All ~ Larry Mullen
- In sixth grade I had a band called The Blueberry Waterfall. I had borrowed a guy's Fender Jaguar and Boss Tone Fuzz, which you plugged straight into a Blackface Twin. It was a little power trio - we were actually pretty good for our age. ~ Steve Lukather
- It was a very formative time for me when I was getting into music It was the year of the concept album and there were so many fantastic singles ~ Paul Weller
- It´s Thursday evening in Toronto - I had to actually ask the drummer - but for us, it´s Friday night ~ Paul Weller
- When you're good, you get critisized... ~ Rob Pilatus
- Marilyn Manson has a woman´s name and wears makeup. How original. ~ Alice Cooper
- The Memory Of Things Gone Is Important To A Jazz Musician Things Like Old Folks Singing In The Moonlight In The Back Yard On A Hot Night Or Something Said Long Ago ~ Louis Armstrong
- If you develop an ear for sounds that are musical it is like developing an ego. You begin to refuse sounds that are not musical and that way cut yourself off from a good deal of experience. ~ John Cage
- There are more love songs than anything else. If songs could make you do something we'd all love one another. ~ Frank Zappa
BotsDagfeiten over Bots
★ 19/07/1976 binnenkomst Bots "Zeven Dagen Lang" ☆ Is Bots een band en werden hiervan nog geen leden ingegeven? Voeg deze toe! ☆ Was Bots is of was lid van een band die nog niet werd toegevoegd? Voeg deze toe!
Gevonden muziek van Bots
★ De Lange Weg ![]() ☆ Er werden voor deze Bots nog geen leden ingegeven. Voeg deze toe! ☆ Was Bots is of was lid van een band die nog niet werd toegevoegd? Voeg deze toe! ☆ Er is een band gevonden met de naam Bots, met deze leden: Hans Sanders, Kees Buenen, Anton Wannemakers, Ferd Berger, Marjolein Kempen, Paul Damen, Sjoerd Van Bommel, Eric Van Donkersgoed, George Coenraad, Ruud Sempel, Noutd Janssen, Broer Boogaart, Sjors Van De Molengraaf, Piet Engel, Marcel Schimscheimer, Frans Meyer, Ton Op T Hof, Joost Belifante, Bonkie Bongaerts, Peter De Vries, Josien Van Och, Floris Theunissen Van Manen,
Hoe ziet het netwerk van Bots eruit? De groene blokjes zijn groepsleden. De rode blokjes zijn personen die via relaties of familiebanden gerelateerd zijn. De blauwe blokjes zijn de bands of groepen waar de gelinkte personen deel van uitmaken. De gele blokjes zijn schuilnamen van de personen.
★ Dit profiel werd 1924× bekeken! |
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week 06/2025. Muziek van 1950 tot nu!1 2 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 BRAD - The Day Brings 17 12 IMAGINE DRAGONS - Enemy 27 14 16 17 18 JOE YELLOW - Love At First 22 21 RMB - The Place To Be 20 22 24 25 SCHMUTZ - Love Games 32 26 HOOBASTANK - The Reason 3 ![]() ![]() |