- Don't play what's there, play what's not there. ~ Miles Davis
- I guess I am a feminist of sorts. I love women so much, and I celebrate the feminine in me because I appreciate it so much. ~ Steven Tyler
- To those who understand, I extend my hand. To the doubtful I demand, Take me as I am ~ Dream Theater
- This is one place were technology has become important to us. Working on a digital setup, you can just take things off then put them in other places and contruct your framework without loosing generation and end up with this carefully contructed, multi-layered format, but at the same time all of the parts in it are improvised and loose. Without digital technology, you couldn't do that. ~ Mark Hollis
- I go to a very visual place when I'm singing. It's very cinematic and I get this feeling of space. I love when music does that. ~ Dave Gahan
- It was a very formative time for me when I was getting into music It was the year of the concept album and there were so many fantastic singles ~ Paul Weller
- I think pop music has done more for oral intercourse than anything else that ever happened, and vice versa. ~ Frank Zappa
- We are bigger than Jesus ~ John Lennon
- I Hate Music, Especially When It´s Played ~ Jimmy Durante
- We're not arrogant, we just think we're the best band in the world ~ Noel Gallagher
- Less is more. ~ Rue Rapide
- . And these children that you spit on as they try to change their worlds, they are immune to your consultations, they´ re quite aware of what they´ re going through. ~ David Bowie
- Everybody can sing in Liverpool! I know this for a fact! ~ Gary Daly during a live performance of "Christian"...
- In sixth grade I had a band called The Blueberry Waterfall. I had borrowed a guy's Fender Jaguar and Boss Tone Fuzz, which you plugged straight into a Blackface Twin. It was a little power trio - we were actually pretty good for our age. ~ Steve Lukather
- I don't know anything about music, In my life you don't have to. ~ Elvis Presley
Hoe ziet het netwerk van eruit? De groene blokjes zijn groepsleden. De rode blokjes zijn personen die via relaties of familiebanden gerelateerd zijn. De blauwe blokjes zijn de bands of groepen waar de gelinkte personen deel van uitmaken. De gele blokjes zijn schuilnamen van de personen.
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