- This is one place were technology has become important to us. Working on a digital setup, you can just take things off then put them in other places and contruct your framework without loosing generation and end up with this carefully contructed, multi-layered format, but at the same time all of the parts in it are improvised and loose. Without digital technology, you couldn't do that. ~ Mark Hollis
- I have been happier in the past week than I ever imagined possible and it doesn't have a damn thing to do with the money. You're the real prize. The lottery was just a bonus ~ Jeff Porcaro
- I think pop music has done more for oral intercourse than anything else that ever happened, and vice versa. ~ Frank Zappa
- If anyone asks you what kind of music you play, tell him 'pop' Don´t tell him 'rock´n´roll' or they won´t even let you in the hotel. ~ Buddy Holly
- Drugs Are A Waste Of Time They Destroy Your Memory And Your Self- Respect And Everything That Goes Along With With Your Self Esteem ~ Kurt Cobain
- What the fuck do you think you´ re doing? ~ Madonna
- Trance expresses a universal feeling, a feeling of warmth and freedom. That’s why people lift their hands while dancing. For some reason the Netherlands have some artists who express that feeling, but actually it’s the Belgians who deserve all the credit. You guys smoothed the path for us years ago. ~ Armin Van Buuren
- I was only 21 I was just trying to take everyday subjects and write about things other people weren´t writing about - working-class life and culture ~ Paul Weller
- We are bigger than Jesus ~ John Lennon
- To those who understand, I extend my hand. To the doubtful I demand, Take me as I am ~ Dream Theater
- There are more love songs than anything else. If songs could make you do something we'd all love one another. ~ Frank Zappa
- He's a poet, he's a philosopher, and last night, I think I saw him walking on water ~ Mick Jagger Mick Jagger introducing Bono when he received his MTV Free Your Mind award, Nov. 1999...
- It was a very formative time for me when I was getting into music It was the year of the concept album and there were so many fantastic singles ~ Paul Weller
- I declare that the Beatles are mutants Prototypes of evolutionary agents sent by God, endowed with a mysterious power to create a new human species, a young race of laughing freemen ~ Timothy Leary
- Betty sings about starlight and champagne. I sing about dead rabbits and blow jobs. When I say music is violence, she says it´s love; when I say it´s math, she says it´s tap dancing. ~ Kristin Hersh
Op deze dag, in de muziekgeschiedenis... ☆ Dit gebeurde er op 14/03:14/03/1804: geboortedagJohann Strauss in Wien 14/03/1921: geboortedatumFrank Otterson 14/03/1922: geboortedatumLes Baxter 14/03/1925: geboortedatumSonny Cohn 14/03/1932: geboortedatumMark Murphy 14/03/1933: geboortedagQuincy Jones 14/03/1934: geboortedagShirley Scott 14/03/1945: geboortedagHerman Van Veen in Utrecht 14/03/1945: geboortedatumJim O’rourke 14/03/1945: geboortedatumWalter Parazaider 14/03/1945: geboortedatumMichael Martin Murphey 14/03/1947: geboortedagJona Lewie 14/03/1952: geboortedatumAkira Tana 14/03/1955: geboortedagBoon Gould 14/03/1957: geboortedatumChris Redburn 14/03/1961: geboortedatumJoe Ascione 14/03/1961: geboortedatumRey Washam 14/03/1963: geboortedatumSteve Lambert 14/03/1966: geboortedagTheo Joosten 14/03/1967: geboortedatumJorg Dusedau 14/03/1968: geboortedatumPat Magrath 14/03/1972: geboortedagFred Estby in Stockholm 14/03/1972: sterfdatumLinda Jones 14/03/1972: geboortedatumRonnie Thomas 14/03/1973: geboortedatumNatalie Appleton 14/03/1978: geboortedatumAndrey Laptev 14/03/1978: geboortedatumDouglas Verhoeven 14/03/1979: geboortedatumDan Avidan 14/03/1980: geboortedatumMike Roelofs 14/03/1982: geboortedatumDetlef Terpstra 14/03/1983: geboortedagTaylor Hanson in Tulsa 14/03/1985: geboortedatumJason Rica 14/03/1987: sterfdatumNorman Harris in Philadelphia. Oorzaak: hart- en vaatziekten 14/03/1987: geboortedatumCesar Castro 14/03/1987: geboortedatumBen De Graaff 14/03/1988: geboortedatumErik Rojås 14/03/1990: geboortedatumBart Braat 14/03/1991: geboortedatumRalf Goosens 14/03/1993: geboortedatumJulienne Irwin 14/03/1995: geboortedatumCalvin Foe 14/03/1997: sterfdatumHarald Melvin 14/03/1998: Op deze dag kwam Dandy Warhols binnen in de hitparade met "EVERY DAY SHOULD BE A HOLIDAY" 14/03/1999: sterfdatumGregg Diamond 14/03/2005: sterfdatumMad Eddie Richards. Oorzaak: zelfmoord 14/03/2007: sterfdatumRandy Sentieri 14/03/2010: sterfdatumRyan Engle 14/03/2011: sterfdatumBij Jack Jackson 14/03/2011: sterfdatumRonnie Hammond 14/03/2013: sterfdatumHeliton Coelho 14/03/2013: sterfdatumJack Greene 14/03/2014: sterfdatumGary Burger 14/03/2020: sterfdatumEva Pilarova. Oorzaak: ziekte 14/03/2020: sterfdatumMradul Singhal. Oorzaak: ongeval 14/03/2021: sterfdatumJorge Sagredo. Oorzaak: aneurisme 14/03/2022: sterfdatumCloffe Carpersson Wereldkaart van videolocaties
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