- I personally donated $2,500 to the Red Cross yesterday Normally I don´ t like to tell how much I donated and to whom, but I felt sometimes it´ s good to share info in the hopes that others will feel inspired to donate whatever they can ~ Moby
- I just do what I do. I like to make music ~ Neil Young
- Excuse me while I kiss the sky ~ Jimi Hendrix
- Our TURD album?? Hahahaha! ~ Spice Girls during an interview, when a Dutch interviewer was constantly mentioning their TURD (third) album...
- We're not arrogant, we just think we're the best band in the world ~ Noel Gallagher
- There is no dark side of the moon really Matter of fact it´ s all dark ~ Pink Floyd
- I left school at 17 and was a star by the time I was 18... in certain parts of the world anyway ~ George Michael
- I've always felt that blues, rock 'n' roll and country are just about a beat apart. ~ Waylon Jennings
- I got nasty habits; I take tea at three ~ Mick Jagger
- The Memory Of Things Gone Is Important To A Jazz Musician Things Like Old Folks Singing In The Moonlight In The Back Yard On A Hot Night Or Something Said Long Ago ~ Louis Armstrong
- Drinking bear is easy. Trashing your hotel room is easy. But being a Christian, that´s a tough call. That´s rebellion. ~ Alice Cooper
- There are more love songs than anything else. If songs could make you do something we'd all love one another. ~ Frank Zappa
- Don't play what's there, play what's not there. ~ Miles Davis
- Coldplay are just four friends trying to make great music ~ Will Champion
- I declare that the Beatles are mutants Prototypes of evolutionary agents sent by God, endowed with a mysterious power to create a new human species, a young race of laughing freemen ~ Timothy Leary
Op deze dag, in de muziekgeschiedenis... ☆ Dit gebeurde er op 13/03:Het jaar 1865 in de muziekgeschiedenis... ☆ Dit gebeurde er in 1865:01/10/1865: geboortedagPaul Dukas Wereldkaart van videolocaties
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![]() Top-30
De tussenstand in onze Eigenzinnige 30 van
week 11/2025. Muziek van 1950 tot nu!2 3 8 9 11 SCHMUTZ - Love Games 10 12 15 16 MARBLES - Only One Woman 24 17 18 BRAD - The Day Brings 25 22 PAUL MCCARTNEY - Young Boy 21 24 25 26 29 THE KINKS - Come Dancing 20 ![]() ![]() |