- I told people I was a drummer before I even had a set, I was a mental drummer. ~ Keith Moon
- I think I am a child. Everything blows my mind. ~ Marc Bolan
- We are bigger than Jesus ~ John Lennon
- I Was Perceiving Myself As Good As A Man Or Equal To A Man And As Powerful And I Wanted To Look Ambiguous Because I Thought That Was A Very Interesting Statement To Make Through The Media And It Certainly Did Cause Quite A Few Ripples And Interest And Shock Waves ~ Annie Lennox
- I can spot empty flattery and know exactly where I stand. In the end it´s really only my own approval or disapproval that means anything. ~ Agneta Fältskog
- I love seeing the fans of the music that I make ~ Gavin Rossdale
- Drugs Are A Waste Of Time They Destroy Your Memory And Your Self- Respect And Everything That Goes Along With With Your Self Esteem ~ Kurt Cobain
- Coldplay are just four friends trying to make great music ~ Will Champion
- He's a poet, he's a philosopher, and last night, I think I saw him walking on water ~ Mick Jagger Mick Jagger introducing Bono when he received his MTV Free Your Mind award, Nov. 1999...
- Writing About Music Is Like Dancing About Architecture ~ Laurie Anderson
- (Annoyed) Nothing! ~ Mc Turbo B When asked what happened in that bar he went to, where gay men had squeezed his butt...
- This one's for the people who can't read ~ Liam Gallagher
- I don't know anything about music, In my life you don't have to. ~ Elvis Presley
- I've only got one thing to say: "Sausages" ~ Liam Gallagher When accepting a Brit Award in 1996 ...
- If I ever get to go to the moon, I'll probably just stand on the moon and go´ Hmmm, yeah. fair enough. gotta go home now ~ Noel Gallagher
Victor FigueroaVictor Figueroa is gevonden als groepslid van:
Hoe ziet het netwerk van Victor Figueroa eruit? De groene blokjes zijn groepsleden. De rode blokjes zijn personen die via relaties of familiebanden gerelateerd zijn. De blauwe blokjes zijn de bands of groepen waar de gelinkte personen deel van uitmaken. De gele blokjes zijn schuilnamen van de personen.
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