- Writing About Music Is Like Dancing About Architecture ~ Laurie Anderson
- Trance expresses a universal feeling, a feeling of warmth and freedom. That’s why people lift their hands while dancing. For some reason the Netherlands have some artists who express that feeling, but actually it’s the Belgians who deserve all the credit. You guys smoothed the path for us years ago. ~ Armin Van Buuren
- I Was Perceiving Myself As Good As A Man Or Equal To A Man And As Powerful And I Wanted To Look Ambiguous Because I Thought That Was A Very Interesting Statement To Make Through The Media And It Certainly Did Cause Quite A Few Ripples And Interest And Shock Waves ~ Annie Lennox
- The Memory Of Things Gone Is Important To A Jazz Musician Things Like Old Folks Singing In The Moonlight In The Back Yard On A Hot Night Or Something Said Long Ago ~ Louis Armstrong
- Music is the wine that fills the cup of silence ~ Robert Fripp
- Vrouwen moeten luisteren en doen wat ik zeg. Zij moeten vooral niet zeuren ~ Kanye West
- I think pop music has done more for oral intercourse than anything else that ever happened, and vice versa. ~ Frank Zappa
- Less is more. ~ Rue Rapide
- Pop is actually my least favorite kind of music, because it lacks real depth. ~ Christina Aguilera
- I personally donated $2,500 to the Red Cross yesterday Normally I don´ t like to tell how much I donated and to whom, but I felt sometimes it´ s good to share info in the hopes that others will feel inspired to donate whatever they can ~ Moby
- They're Coming To A Rock And Roll Concert And Watching Television That Says It All ~ Larry Mullen
- If anyone asks you what kind of music you play, tell him 'pop' Don´t tell him 'rock´n´roll' or they won´t even let you in the hotel. ~ Buddy Holly
- ... Just as Jesus created wine from water, we humans are capable on transmuting emotion into music.. ~ Carlos Santana
- It's much too late to do anything about rock & roll now ... ~ Jerry Garcia
- We don't like their sound, and guitar music is on the way out ~ Decca Recording Company rejecting the Beatles, 1962...
Op deze dag, in de muziekgeschiedenis... ☆ Dit gebeurde er op 19/05:19/05/1861: geboortedagNellie Melba 19/05/1920: geboortedagHans Kaart 19/05/1929: geboortedatumMavis Kloes Rivers 19/05/1929: geboortedatumKenny Klare 19/05/1932: geboortedagAlma Cogan 19/05/1934: geboortedatumBobby Bryant 19/05/1935: sterfdatumCharles Martin Loeffler 19/05/1938: geboortedagHerbie Flowers in Isle Worth 19/05/1939: geboortedatumJohn Shearan 19/05/1939: geboortedatumSonny Fortune 19/05/1939: geboortedatumRichard Teitelbaum 19/05/1945: geboortedagPeter Townshend in London 19/05/1947: geboortedagGregory Herbert 19/05/1948: geboortedagGrace Jones 19/05/1949: geboortedagDusty Hill in Dallas 19/05/1950: geboortedagRon Brandsteder 19/05/1950: geboortedagRomeo Challenger in Antigua 19/05/1950: geboortedatumDan Lachsman 19/05/1951: geboortedagJoey Ramone in Forest Hills 19/05/1952: geboortedatumPaula Abdul 19/05/1953: geboortedagJimmy Thachery 19/05/1953: geboortedatumRicky Wilson 19/05/1953: geboortedatumPeter Groot Kormelink 19/05/1956: geboortedagMartyn Ware in Sheffield 19/05/1958: geboortedatumBen Munkirs 19/05/1959: geboortedagTiny Klomp in Ruinen 19/05/1961: geboortedatumBrian Keith 19/05/1961: geboortedatumGary Monardo 19/05/1963: geboortedatumOskar Cartaya 19/05/1963: geboortedatumOscar Cartaya 19/05/1964: geboortedatumDuke Erickson 19/05/1965: geboortedatumGunther Theys 19/05/1965: geboortedatumBen Volpeliere-Pierrot 19/05/1969: geboortedagColeman Hawkins 19/05/1970: geboortedatumStuart Cable 19/05/1970: geboortedatumOsamu Harada 19/05/1972: geboortedagJenny Berggren in Götenburg 19/05/1972: geboortedatumSumedi Sumarno 19/05/1973: geboortedatumRobert Redd 19/05/1974: geboortedatumThomas Hansen 19/05/1975: geboortedatumThomas Hansen 19/05/1977: geboortedagWouter Hamal 19/05/1977: geboortedatumTeemu Raimoranta 19/05/1977: geboortedatumLawrence Mackrony 19/05/1977: geboortedatumTrrmu Raimorata 19/05/1978: geboortedatumDominik Jokiel 19/05/1979: trouwdatumEric Clapton 19/05/1979: geboortedatumMarco Murulak 19/05/1986: sterfdatumJimmy Lyons 19/05/1987: sterfdatumMiroslav Berka. Oorzaak: Zelfmoord 19/05/1991: sterfdatumOdia Coates. Oorzaak: cancar 19/05/1991: geboortedatumMax Aspögård 19/05/1993: geboortedatumFabio Alessandrini 19/05/1998: sterfdatumDorothy Donegan 19/05/2001: sterfdatumMike Sammas 19/05/2001: sterfdatumSusannah McCorle 19/05/2004: sterfdatumGatemouth Moore 19/05/2005: sterfdatumViktor Shmyrev 19/05/2005: overlijdensdatumViktor Shmyrev 19/05/2006: sterfdatumFreddy Garrity. Oorzaak: hartaanval 19/05/2007: sterfdatumFrank Guilda 19/05/2016: sterfdatumJohn Berry 19/05/2020: overlijdensdatumTom Clenin 19/05/2021: sterfdatumAnthony Cabrera Wereldkaart van videolocaties
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