Voeg een relatie toe
- Geej se lèllike voel hod!
- This is one place were technology has become important to us. Working on a digital setup, you can just take things off then put them in other places and contruct your framework without loosing generation and end up with this carefully contructed, multi-layered format, but at the same time all of the parts in it are improvised and loose. Without digital technology, you couldn't do that. ~ Mark Hollis
- Jah, nou, da weet ik nie!
- He can saw a piece EXACTLY in half all free hand but cuts his nails like a drunken sailor lol
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- Nee Walter, meer scheten laten dan gemiddeld is géén teken van hoge intelligentie
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- G474 SU77
- De voldoening en dankbaarheid van oproeopers is groot.
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- Eén, twee, kipsaté
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- Verknoei je tijd op een nuttige manier!